Parking Rules


1.      This lot provides a parking space only. St. Ann’s Episcopal Church assumes no liability for loss of property or damage to vehicles.

2.      There will be attendants on the premises. However, lock your doors and do not leave valuables inside the vehicle.

3.      The building will not be accessible for restroom or telephone use.

4.      Tailgating rules:

Ø              Tailgating must not take up additional parking spaces or block vehicle lanes.

Ø              Area must be cleaned up before game time.

Ø              You must take all your trash (cans, paper, charcoal, etc.) with you when you leave. 

Ø              There are no public-use trashcans available.

Ø              If you leave a mess, your parking permit may be revoked with no refund.

Ø              Attendants have the final say on all tailgating issues.

Ø              Drunk or unruly behavior may result in the revocation of your permit with no refund.

Ø              St. Ann’s property is a guns-free zone.


5.      A parking spot will be available three (3) hours before the start of each game. 
Your parking space will be reserved for you until 30 minutes before kick-off, after which it will only be available as space permits.

      The attendants will be present until one (1) hour after the game ends.